
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6th Grade: Welcome back to school!

Welcome students to your class blog.  This is going to be an exciting year full of learning.   This blog is our very own online learning community where we can share our ideas and thoughts throughout the year.  So in the spirit of learning, my question to you is this:  If you could learn one thing, what would it be and why? 

For example, if I could learn one thing it would be to play the guitar.  Although I am not musically inclined, I love music and I love the sounds of the guitar.  My brother taught himself while he was in college and failed to teach me within a few short lessons.  I believe he told me that I was not "coordinated" enough.  I would love nothing more that to sit around a campfire and play music for my family and friends. 

So again, what is one thing you wish you could learn and why? 


  1. I want to learn how to play the drums.I want to learn how to play the drums because I like how it sounds.I thank the drums sound so cool but I thank I'll like them better if I know how to play them.I now that you want to learn to play the guitar maybe when we both learn how to play them we can be in a band.It will be so fun to being in a band together.We can have are own gig.If we ever learn to play the them we can maybe.If we learn to play them you and me should thank about it so we can.
    Zane A.

    1. Zane, that is a great idea! What would the name of our band be? How about "Insane Zane and Crazy Campbell?" I think it has a nice ring to it! Maybe your parents would let us use their garage to practice (wink, wink)!!! Thanks for posting to the blog.

    2. I like the band name it is cool .We can both sing you can sing a song that your good at and I can sing a song that Im good at.We can be famous.We can play at the school people will love us.We can win tournaments and win a big trophy and money.
      Zane A

  2. I would like to learn how to do a double back flip off my diving board because we have a lot of company that can do a lot of tricks and I would like to do one also.

    1. That would be cool to do but it will be hard to do.
      Zane A.

  3. Some day I would Like to learn to play the drums. Ever since I heard them when I was little I have wanted to learn how to play them, but I have never got a chance
    Brenden H.

    1. Brenden, you and Zane should learn together! You can join our band! :-)

    2. That is a neat idea
      Brenden H

    3. I just remembered my sister plays the keyboard she coulld play in the band to. Maby.
      Brenden H.

  4. RamseyF-I would love to learn how to play the drums too!!!
    I have a boy at my church who plays the drums he tried to teach me,but apparently I am unteachable!I would love to play the drum, because me and drums have so much in common we are both very loud!!!

  5. I want to learn how to do a back tuck at the end of my backhandspring! Because I want to do them at pep rallys and cheer camp!! I have been working at them for awhile now and I can't fully do one by myself. I know it will take a lot of hard work but I know if I keep trying I will get it down!!
    Sierra J.

    1. My sister is doing gymnastics and is trying to do that to

    2. Very cool I don't no what that means but I thank it sounds cool though.
      Zane A.

  6. Ive always wanted to have a secret language with my friends! How fun would it be to talk to each other in a language no one else knew? But, I doubt I'd even have the attention spand to learn spanish! Maybe one day I will be able to try! And Mrs.Campbell, I tryed to learn guitar once, didnt work out!
    Isa M.

    1. In 8th grade, you can take Spanish...and it counts as a high school credit. I know you could do it! Glad to know I am not the only one out there who wasn't successful on the guitar.

  7. iv dreamed to go to hollywood and become something a foumouse and go and be someone in the world to go and see the wourld elizabeth b

    1. Hollywood would be lucky to have you believe me I know you'r very tallented

  8. Ramsey-also i would love to learn about musical instruments such as the guitar and banjo or other things,maybe our school can make an art class that would be the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    music+school=happy Ramsey

  9. I would like to learn how to ride a motorcycle. So I can ride with my dad and his friends maybe I could be your band's mascot


    1. you can be the mascot it will be fun.
      Zane A

  10. i would like to learn how to be a ninja so i could be a super hero like batman with no powers i would be called justice man and would be a good guy who fights for justice jumping of rooftops would be my super power and witty catch phrases such as stop for justice kemplin d .

    1. very creative what will your name be.
      Zane A


  11. I've always wanted to learn how to draw like an artist. It would be cool to draw something and it look a photograph,my grandma is an artist and she draws pictures of my grandpa all the time.maybe she could teach me.
    Kristen D.

  12. I have always wanted to learn how to paint!It would be so much fun!If you were good enought maybe u could get your paintings put in a museum some day!I hope one of my paintings get put in a museum one day!Bailey M

    1. that would be cool you can be famous.
      Zane A.

    2. I am you're biggest fan!!!!!!!!!!!!just kidding well I would be a fan...just never mind
      Ramsey F

  13. I would REALLY like to learn how to speak spanish... I would speak it all the time... except 4 when im in school... I love spanish! its fun to speak.

    Katy Henderson

  14. I would LOVE to learn how to type fast and I didnt have to look at the keyboard while im typing!I hope we get to learn how this year in keyboarding class!I'd want to type fast,and one more thing is to play the banjo,it is my 3rd favorite instument!And I'd love to learn how to draw unicorns and tons of others!XD (and learn how to be good at English Class) ;)
    Jessica S. :P !!!

    1. Ramsey-that would be really cool if you could type fast without looking at the keyboard!!!!

    2. Ramsey-that would be really cool if you could type fast without looking at the keyboard!!!!

    3. I want to do that to it would be really cool.If you can type fast you don't have to type slow you can type fast.
      Zane A.

    4. me too!my mom can do that because my mom is awesome like that
      Zane A.

  15. I would like to learn how to play piano.Cause its tempting to just play the piano when you see it.Sometimes I realy wish I new how to play the giutar.

    1. a gal at my church plays piano,it sounds really pretty!!!!!!!!!

  16. I would love to learn how to suba dive. I love the water and animals. Down under the water you can see stuff you never ever seen before. My Aunt Lynn scuba dives and I would like to go with her one day. -- TalynB.

    1. I went scuba diving! It's really fun! Maybe my dad can give you lessone??? ( that would be weird!!!)
      Isa M.

    2. that would be fun to do yo should learn. If you go in the ocean watch out for sharks.

      Zane A

    3. my mom and dad went scuba diving they said it was great!


    4. I was gonna go scuba diving but I was too little the scuba tank would sink me

      Ramsey F

  17. I would like to learn how to play a guitar, because it would seem fun to sit down and play it when I had nothing to do. When I get older, I can play in a band. Then our band would go to Hollywood and become famous. Colt M

  18. I want to learn how to do a back tuck at the end
    of my backhandspring! Because I want to do them at pep rallys and cheer camp!! I have been working at them for awhile now and I can't fully do one by myself. I know it will take a lot of hard work but I know if I keep trying I will get it down!!
    Sierra J.

  19. If there were anything I would like to play it would be how to play the air guitar.Because
    my cousin can play it really good and i would
    love for me to show him I can play the air guitar so good he would let me play his air guitar.

  20. If there were anything to learn it would be to play the air guitar.Because my cousin can play the air guitar so good I would show him I can play the guitar just as good as he can.So he can video me.

  21. I would like to learn to type good because it might help me look up things. I might even help me write a story. Caleb F.

  22. I would like to learn how to catch a ball with one hand like in the NFL because they do it all the time and its cool. Brandon D.

  23. I think it will be really fun to blog at school!
    Isa M.

  24. i would like to learn how to make a blog!!!

  25. talyn that would be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. OMG! Jessica you are too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):)
    Thnaks for believeing in me!

    Sierra Jackson

  27. that would be cool

    chase crider

  28. Bailey good idea!!!

  29. hi Mrs.Campbell! im bloging at school! how cool is that? i just wanted to say hi!
    -Katy H.

  30. that all sounds cool but the mane thing i want to do is to learn how to play the electric guitar that would be so awesome to learn
    by,sierra m.
